Iron Maiden


19 nov 2012
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden is een metalband die in 1975 werd opgericht in Londen. De groep wordt vaak gezien als een van de meest kenmerkende en invloedrijke van hun stroming in het heavymetalgenre: de new wave of British heavy metal. De naam 'Iron Maiden' verwijst naar een foltertuig, de IJzeren maagd, een ijzeren kist met pinnen aan de binnenkant die kon dichtklappen.
De band heeft wereldwijd ruim 100 miljoen albums verkocht zonder ooit echt "mainstream" te zijn geweest.
De basgitarist en tevens leider van de groep is Steve Harris. De andere leden zijn Bruce Dickinson (zang), Dave Murray (gitaar), Adrian Smith (gitaar), Janick Gers (gitaar) en Nicko McBrain (drums). Steve Harris is de enige die sinds het begin lid is. Bekende nummers van de band zijn o.a. The Number of the Beast, Run to the Hills, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Wasted Years, Can I Play with Madness, The Evil that Men Do, 2 Minutes to Midnight, The Trooper en Fear of the Dark.
Op 4 september verschijnt het langverwachte nieuwe studioalbum van IRON MAIDEN, getiteld The Book Of Souls, op Parlophone Records/Warner Music. De band werkte opnieuw samen met producer Kevin ‘Caveman’ Shirley, en de opnames vonden plaats in Parijs in de laatste maanden van 2014. Het album werd begin dit jaar afgerond, maar omdat er bij zanger Bruce Dickinson een tumor werd ontdekt, besloot de band de release uit te stellen tot het najaar, zodat de frontman alle tijd had om volledig te herstellen van zijn ziekte. Gelukkig is hij onlangs genezen verklaard en is hij in staat het album te promoten.

Met 11 nieuwe tracks die gezamenlijk maar liefst 92 minuten beslaan, besloot de band een dubbel-cd uit te brengen, IRON MAIDEN’s eerste. Het geweldige artwork is opnieuw van Mark Wilkinson. Het is voor het eerst sinds Powerslave uit 1984 dat er 2 nummers op staan van Bruce Dickinson alleen, waarvan ‘Empire Of The Clouds’ het langste nummer is dat de band ooit heeft opgenomen. Daarnaast staan er 2 nummers op het album die Dickinson samen met gitarist Adrian Smith schreef. Zoals gebruikelijk komt het meeste materiaal van bassist Steve Harris, die 1 track alleen schreef en 6 met de verschillende gitaristen.

Published: Jun 18, 2015

IRON MAIDEN’s eagerly awaited new studio album The Book Of Souls will be released globally on 4th September through Parlophone Records (BMG in the U.S.A.). It was recorded in Paris with their longstanding producer Kevin “Caveman” Shirley in late 2014, with the finishing touches added earlier this year. However, the band decided to delay its release so that vocalist Bruce Dickinson, who was recently given the all-clear from a tumour, would have time to recuperate sufficiently to join in the preparations for the album’s launch.

The stunning cover art was created by Mark Wilkinson, who has worked with the band previously, and because this 11-track album has a total running time of 92 minutes, it is IRON MAIDEN’s first ever double studio album. There’s a broader split on the songwriting compared to previous Maiden records, with bassist and founder member Steve Harris contributing to seven of the tracks; 6 of them with Maiden’s guitarists and one sole composition. This is also the first time since 1984’s Powerslave that an IRON MAIDEN studio album also features two tracks written solely by Bruce Dickinson, one of which is the longest song Maiden has ever recorded! And also two Dickinson/Smith collaborations.

Steve comments,

“We approached this album in a different way to how we’ve recorded previously. A lot of the songs were actually written while we were there in the studio and we rehearsed and recorded them straight away while they were still fresh, and I think that immediacy really shows in the songs, they have almost a live feel to them, I think. I’m very proud of The Book Of Souls, we all are, and we can’t wait for our fans to hear it, and especially to take it out on the road next year!”

Bruce continues,

“We’re really excited about The Book Of Souls and had a fantastic time creating it. We started working on the album in late summer 2014 and recorded it at Guillame Tell Studios in Paris, where we’d done the Brave New World album back in 2000 so the studio holds special memories for all of us. We were delighted to discover the same magical vibe is still alive and very much kicking there! So we immediately felt at home and the ideas just started flowing. By the time we’d finished we all agreed that each track was such an integral part of the whole body of work that if it needed to be a double album, then double its going to be!”

The full tracklisting is:

Disc 1
1. If Eternity Should Fail (Dickinson) 8:28
2. Speed Of Light (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:01
3. The Great Unknown (Smith/ Harris) 6:37
4. The Red And The Black (Harris) 13:33
5. When The River Runs Deep (Smith/ Harris) 5:52
6. The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:27

Disc 2
7. Death Or Glory (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:13
8. Shadows Of The Valley (Gers/ Harris) 7:32
9. Tears Of A Clown (Smith/ Harris) 4:59
10. The Man Of Sorrows (Murray/ Harris) 6:28
11. Empire Of The Clouds (Dickinson) 18:01

2CD deluxe hardbound book limited edition
2CD standard edition
Triple heavyweight black vinyl
High res audio (24-bit Mastered for ITunes and non-Mastered for iTunes)
Standard res audio (16 bit/ 44.1 kHz)

The Book Of Souls is the band’s 16th studio album since their eponymous debut in 1980 charted at #4 in the UK, in a career achieving sales of over 90 million albums worldwide. Their previous album, 2010’s The Final Frontier was Maiden’s most successful chart-wise to date, reaching Number One in 28 countries and was their highest chart debut in the U.S reaching #4 in the Billboard 200.

Due to Bruce’s illness the band had to delay touring plans but promise to be out on the road again early next year, giving time for Bruce to make a full physical recovery to be ready for the rigours of Maiden live performances.
Iron Maiden will release “Speed of Light” as their first single from their forthcoming 16th studio album “The Book of Souls”

Iron Maiden has announced the Smith/Dickinson penned “Speed of Light” as their first single from the highly anticipated double album “The Book of Souls”. According to a press release sent out by Iron Maiden’s record label Warner Music, “Speed of Light” will be released the 14th of august.

This is the first time the Adrian Smith and Bruce Dickinson has written together without bass player Steve Harris since the classic “Powerslave” album from 1984.

Iron Maiden will embark on a new world tour in early 2016. Dates for the tour will be announced on the 25th of August.

Bassist Steve Harris says The Book Of Souls track Empire Of The Clouds is “totally different” from anything they’ve done before

Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris has called Empire Of The Clouds a “masterpiece” and says it’s a complete departure from their previous material.

The 18-minute track was penned by frontman Bruce Dickinson and will feature on their 16th record The Book Of Souls. Their first-ever double studio album will be released worldwide on September 4.

Harris tells Kerrang: “I think it’s a masterpiece, actually – I think I can say that because I didn’t write it! It sounds like Maiden but it’s totally different from what we’ve done before.

“Eighteen minutes sounds like a long time, but it’s actually such a journey that… well, it’s best just to leave people to listen to it and see what they think. But it’s very interesting. It’s certainly not boring.”

He continues: “I think you’ll see on this album that there’s a lot going on. There’s a hell of a lot to take in. I think there’ll be bits and pieces that will hit people initially but I think they’re going to need a few listens.”

The band announced in May that touring plans to support the album wouldn’t happen until 2016 to allow Dickinson time to fully recuperate after his successful cancer treatment.

But Harris says he’s already looking forward to playing and that the shows will carry extra significance after the singer's health concerns.

He continues: “Whenever we do a new album we always go out with a new stage show – that’s exciting in itself.

“We always feel like every show is sacred these days anyway, and I suppose even more so now after the scare with what’s happened with Bruce. It makes everything more important to us.

“The Book Of Souls is a really powerful album, we’re really proud of it and we can’t wait to come out and play new songs on tour.”

Harris will head out on the road with his solo outfit British Lions later this month.
IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON Reveals He Had Two Tumors: One Was 'The Size Of A Golf Ball'

IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson has told the BBC he is on the mend after his treatment for tumors on his tongue.

The 56-year-old told entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson although his head had been "cooked," he was feeling ready to celebrate and expects to be singing again soon.

He was speaking earlier today (Friday, July 3) at the O2 Silver Clef Awards in London, where IRON MAIDEN picked up the award for outstanding contribution to music.

On the topic of what he has gone through in the past six months, Dickinson said: "Well, I've just been through what, actually, a load of people go through every day. I mean, 'cause it's thousands of people in the U.K. and around the world who have treatment for this kind of thing. So, in that respect, the only thing that's special about it is that I'm a quite well-known person, so… But I've been fortunate. I had a really good bounceback. And everybody says, 'Hey, it's gone.' So I'm just getting better now, really — healing up."

Asked how big the tumor was, Dickinson said: "I had two, actually. One was three and a half centimeters — the size of a golf ball. And the other one was two and a half centimeters, and getting a bit bigger. And that was the only symptom — I had a lump in my neck, and that was the second one. So I went to the doc, and they went, 'Oh, that's a bit weird.' [They] took a scan of it, had a look, had a poke around, and went, 'You have head and neck cancer.' So I went, 'That's a bit of a blow' But you get on with it. You crack on and you get on with it. So… that was it."

He continued: "Funnily enough, since I was treated for it, I've met half a dozen people my age who all had exactly the same type of tumor, the same location, all had similar treatments, and they varied in age from 40 to late 60s."

Asked how the treatment has affected his voice, Dickinson said: "Well, I mean, speaking voice-wise, everything is fine. I mean, the whole thing is still healing up, so, you can imagine, to get rid of that with radiation has given it… The inside of my head has been cooked, pretty effectively. So, you know, that will all take a while to heal up and it's coming back. But, I mean, I've got… I can sing, I can talk… I haven't gone out and done the equivalent of trying to run a hundred meters in the same way that I used to sing before. 'Cause let it all calm down. I only finished coming out of treatment two months ago, for God's sake, and the doctor said, 'It'll take a year for you to be better.' Well, we've beaten that by about six months so far, but I'm not gonna try and push things to prove a point. We've got loads of time."

You can watch video footage of Dickinson's chat with the BBC at

Due globally on September 4 through Parlophone Records (Sanctuary Copyrights/BMG in the U.S.), IRON MAIDEN's new album, "The Book Of Souls", was recorded in Paris, France with producer Kevin "Caveman" Shirley in late 2014, with the finishing touches added earlier this year. However, the band decided to delay its release so that Dickinson would have time to recuperate sufficiently to join in the preparations for the album's launch.

Asked by U.K.'s Kerrang! magazine if Dickinson's cancer diagnosis affected the recording of "The Book Of Souls", IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris said: "Well, it didn't at all, because Bruce didn't know and none of us knew anything about… There was no inkling of any of it. He'd finished all his vocal bits completely anyway, and then there were some other bits and pieces we were doing. Really, we didn't know anything — he didn't show any signs at all. I mean, his singing, when you hear it… He's singing better than ever."

He continued: "It didn't cause any problems in that department at all. He wasn't showing any signs of being ill. I didn't even know until a few weeks afterwards, when he got his results back. It was such a shock to him and everybody else, because it just wasn't expected at all."

Harris declined to discuss how the rest of MAIDEN coped with Dickinson's diagnosis, telling the magazine: "It's such a personal matter for Bruce and the band that I don't think now is the time to talk about it. It's Bruce's story to tell when he feels the time is right. The one thing I can say is that Bruce is a trooper and more than ready for the next chapter of IRON MAIDEN. What matters now is that we've got an album coming out that I think our fans are going to love and we're all excited to share with them."
14 augustus was de eerste single van het nieuw album uitgekomen!
Volgens mij wordt dit een hele toffe plaat. Hoewel die wel iets aan de lange kant is.
Ps. ik lees net dat die al gelekt is.

Ps. ik lees net dat die al gelekt is.
Ja, tijdje terug. Maar er zijn ook een paar fake links.
"So, somebody went and leaked Book of Souls, and now it's all over the internet. Have you heard it yet, or are you waiting until it's official release next Friday?"
Ik wacht netjes tot hij bij mij in de bus ligt, mijn preorder loopt hé... Anders is Spotify misschien eerder dan ik hem in de bus heb, dat hebben ze bij Maiden wel goed voor elkaar hoe je je luisteraars kan bereiken.
eventjes met Bruce vliegen naar Parijs om het album alvast te luisteren... Lucky Basterds!!
WHAAA!!! Helemaal Happy met dit bericht in mijn bestelstatus!!!
The Book Of Souls

Verzonden op: 03-09-2015
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PostNL (briefpost)
Verwacht op: 04-09-2015 tussen 12:00 - 14:00
The Book of Souls
Wat gaan wij ons vandaag goed vermaken Dennis :D
WOW! Ik had me niet veel aangetrokken van recensies, niet naar de eerdere uploads geluisterd, maar mijn verwachting is overtroffen.
Zitten een paar toekomstige classic-mee-schreeuw-live-nummers bij.
Heerlijk gitaarspel.
Fijne Whooohooohooohooo in The Red and The Black.

Dat is maar ff mijn eerste reactie pas ;)
Sterk album. Ik was bang dat de lange nummers misschien langdradig zouden worden, maar daar heb ik totaal geen last van. Empire of the Clouds zelfs 18 minuten, wat een verhaal zeg. Slepen ze ook nog daarvoor een piano de studio in, dat verwacht je al helemaal niet. Op dit moment zou ik zeggen dat Speed of Light, The Red and The Black en Schadows of the Valley imo het sterkst zijn, zeker ook live goed zullen uitkomen.
Zo na een dag luisteren, zeer tevreden!!
Voor mij is Book Of Souls een topper. Zes keer in zijn geheel geluisterd nu.
Het behoort tot het beste werk van deze band. Mijn favoriet is Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son maar dit album
benadert dit niveau al is het oude en nieuwe werk niet echt meer te vergelijken. De band is gegroeid en op dit moment
op de top van zijn kunnen.

De eerste tourdata zullen denk ik louter USA en omstreken data zijn plus misschien Australië.
Voor mij is Book Of Souls een topper. Zes keer in zijn geheel geluisterd nu.
Het behoort tot het beste werk van deze band. Mijn favoriet is Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son maar dit album
benadert dit niveau al is het oude en nieuwe werk niet echt meer te vergelijken. De band is gegroeid en op dit moment
op de top van zijn kunnen.

De eerste tourdata zullen denk ik louter USA en omstreken data zijn plus misschien Australië.
Tour start naar verwachting in VS.
VS eind februari.
Begin maart centraal Amerika oa Mexico, El Savador en Costa Rica. Daarna Zuid Amerika, Argentinië, Chili en Brazilië.
Dan eind maart weer VS en dan Canada eerste weken april.
Later in april en begin mei van Japan en China naar Nieuw Zeeland en Australië.
Eerste helft mei Zuid Afrika.
Eind mei tot begin augustus pas in Europa waarvan enkel de eerste paar weken met Ed Force One (Flight 666).
Voor Europa is dat precies in het festival seizoen. (Maar dat was de tour van AC/DC ook hé ;) )
Voor Europa is dat precies in het festival seizoen. (Maar dat was de tour van AC/DC ook hé

Klopt maar Iron Maiden is meer een festival band dan AC/DC.
Dus… 10 september eerste tourdata ?
<afbeelding verwijderd>
Hé??? Ik zie nu dat de bekendmaking van de tourdata is gewijzigd naar 14 september?
Dus niet nu donderdag, maar a.s. maandag.
Misschien nog last minute plan verandering of nog een missend akkoordje??

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