De setlist van Linkin Park op Maximus Festival…
Roads Untraveled
(Live debut, verse 1 with “Fallout” instrumental)
1. The Catalyst
(First performance since 2013; Shortened (No Third Verse/Breakdown))
2. Wastelands
(w/ War Outro Sample)
3. Talking to Myself
(Full band live debut)
4. Burn It Down
5. One Step Closer
(Ext. Intro; Ext. Outro)
6. Castle of Glass
(Experience Version; Ext. Outro)
7. Good Goodbye
(Live debut; Live version, sing-along intro)
8. Lost in the Echo
(Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse))
9. Battle Symphony
(Full band live debut)
10. New Divide
11. Breaking the Habit
(w/ Acapella Outro)
12. Crawling
(Piano Version; Shortened (No First Chorus or Outro)
13. Leave Out All the Rest
(First full performance since 2 011; Ext. Intro, outro)
14. Somewhere I Belong
15. What I’ve Done
(Ext. Intro; Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
16. In the End
(Intro Pause; the crowd chanted the entire first verse and chorus)
17. Faint
(Ext. Outro)
18. Numb
(Numb / Encore Intro/Outro lyric tease)
19. Heavy
20. Papercut
21. Bleed It Out
(Ext. Sing-a-Long Bridge; Ext. Ending)
Toch een behoorlijk saaie setlist, naar mijn gevoel. Te veel softe nummers, nauwelijks iets van The Hunting Party, en Heavy als op 2 na laatste… En dan Crawling nog in piano versie, waarom?! Hopelijk herwerken ze die setlist nog en komt er weer wat harder werk in, maar ik vrees er voor…