Getting to the festival by car every day


27 feb 2025
Hey guys!
We are a group of 4 people and found accomodation in Herenthout ... 30 minutes from the festival grounds by car.
My question is if we will have to deal with the same amount of traffic when coming from the "north".

Is the road from Tremelo open to Werchter?
I saw that the most northern parking lot is the "Groen 5".
Can we use that one for every day parking?

Could you share any tips regarding parking?
I read several times for example that its best to arrive befor 10 or 11 am to avoid traffic ...

Is it in general a good idea to stay that far outside and to travel every day by car?

Thank you soooo much!Screenshot 2025-03-03 095026.jpg
I stayed at Lier the last couple of years. This year we will stay at Westerlo. We will do it the same way: driving by car every day to the railway station of Aarschot (enough parking space) and take the free Rock Werchter bus from there. That will drop you at campingsite C3, from there it is a walk of about 20 minutes to the entrance of the festival.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: nick3420
Thanks for the reply!
Are the parking spaces in Aarshot for free or how much do you have to pay?

How is your experience with traffic?
How long are the quees and how busy is it?
Hey guys!
We are a group of 4 people and found accomodation in Herenthout ... 30 minutes from the festival grounds by car.
My question is if we will have to deal with the same amount of traffic when coming from the "north".

Is the road from Tremelo open to Werchter?
I saw that the most northern parking lot is the "Groen 5".
Can we use that one for every day parking?

Could you share any tips regarding parking?
I read several times for example that its best to arrive befor 10 or 11 am to avoid traffic ...

Is it in general a good idea to stay that far outside and to travel every day by car?

Thank you
Thursday is pretty busy, since most people that will stay at the campings arrive on Thursday. Rest of the days are ok, with some small traffic jams. Don’t know for sure, but I think you have to buy a new parking ticket each day if you leave and come back.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: nick3420
Thanks for the reply!
Are the parking spaces in Aarshot for free or how much do you have to pay?

How is your experience with traffic?
How long are the quees and how busy is it?
Last year the parking spaces in Aarschot were for free, especially for Rock Werchter. There is no traffic problem if you go from Herenthout to Aarschot. The waiting time for the bus in Aarschot is only a couple of minutes, the buses go on and off. It takes the bus about fifteen minutes to arrive at camping C3, no traffic problems because a large part of the area is closed for normal traffic. On the way back you can have some queues for the bus, especially if you go directly after closing time of the festival. Still I have never waited longer than half an hour.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: nick3420
Thursday is pretty busy, since most people that will stay at the campings arrive on Thursday. Rest of the days are ok, with some small traffic jams. Don’t know for sure, but I think you have to buy a new parking ticket each day if you leave and come back.
So arriving early on Thursday is important I guess?

And for the rest of the days would you say that arriving at 10am is necessary?
And is there a reason you are driving to Aarshot and not directly to one of the Werchter parking lots?
It's cheaper than buying a parking ticket for the parking lots. And I think camping C3 is a little bit closer than the Green parking lots.

Is this the parking lot you are refering to?

Because here it mentions that it costs 18€ per day ... but i guess its for free during Werchter?
At which times did you arrive there to get to the festival?
At which time should I get there to see the acts at 2 pm for example.
To be sure you should be in Aarschot at 12.45 pm to see your act at 2 pm. Twenty minutes bus (waiting time included), twenty minutes walk to the festival, twenty minutes to get in and some minutes to get to the stage.

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