Graspop Metal Meeting 2024

Hi there! I've been following this forum from last fall. And it has been a great source to rumours. This year it was looking bad but then came Tool and everything's fine now. I was hoping to get Tool, RATM or Aerosmith out of my bucketlist and now it's official. Can't wait what more GMM has for us. I'd like to see some hard rock bands too. Like they say on site: "For the 27th time the Dessel plains will be the hotspot for the leading lights of the metal and hard rock scene. Once again Dessel will shake to its very foundations. The leading and most all-round hard rock and metal festival"

Next Summer will be my fifth Graspop. Previous ones have been 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2023. It's not easy to come every year from Finland...
Last edition was the best. Not only weather but so many new discoveries... Parkway Drive, Fever 333, Hollywood Undead, Delain...
Hi there! I've been following this forum from last fall. And it has been a great source to rumours. This year it was looking bad but then came Tool and everything's fine now. I was hoping to get Tool, RATM or Aerosmith out of my bucketlist and now it's official. Can't wait what more GMM has for us. I'd like to see some hard rock bands too. Like they say on site: "For the 27th time the Dessel plains will be the hotspot for the leading lights of the metal and hard rock scene. Once again Dessel will shake to its very foundations. The leading and most all-round hard rock and metal festival"

Next Summer will be my fifth Graspop. Previous ones have been 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2023. It's not easy to come every year from Finland...
Last edition was the best. Not only weather but so many new discoveries... Parkway Drive, Fever 333, Hollywood Undead, Delain...
Welcome to the forum. Nice to see that it is crossing so much borders to even Finland.
Very nice.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Yyperi
Heb het niet getest, maar het was volgens mij niet te controleren. Je bandje was gewoon analoog en dan had het op geheugen van de portier gemoeten ofzo. En hoe stom die regel ook was vind ik 'je mag de hele dag het terrein niet af' toch anders dan 'je mag het hele weekend hier niet weg'. Wel weer sneu voor de lokale ondernemer, want de kebabzaak tegenover de Brabanthallen had goede zaken kunnen doen.
Ik meen dat ik iemand hoorde vertellen dat ie na lang zeuren z'n paspoort achter moest laten omdat ie even iets uit z'n auto wilde pakken of zoiets..
Hi there! I've been following this forum from last fall. And it has been a great source to rumours. This year it was looking bad but then came Tool and everything's fine now. I was hoping to get Tool, RATM or Aerosmith out of my bucketlist and now it's official. Can't wait what more GMM has for us. I'd like to see some hard rock bands too. Like they say on site: "For the 27th time the Dessel plains will be the hotspot for the leading lights of the metal and hard rock scene. Once again Dessel will shake to its very foundations. The leading and most all-round hard rock and metal festival"

Next Summer will be my fifth Graspop. Previous ones have been 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2023. It's not easy to come every year from Finland...
Last edition was the best. Not only weather but so many new discoveries... Parkway Drive, Fever 333, Hollywood Undead, Delain...
Tervetuloa on our forum! And on the festival of course, but since it will be your 5th time you're already a regular by now.
Amazing you come all the way even though there are some nice festivals in Finland as well, with Tuska and the recently discovered, weirdly named, John Smith rock festival.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Dr. Hannibal en Yyperi
Tervetuloa on our forum! And on the festival of course, but since it will be your 5th time you're already a regular by now.
Amazing you come all the way even though there are some nice festivals in Finland as well, with Tuska and the recently discovered, weirdly named, John Smith rock festival.
Me and my friends love the atmosphere at Graspop. Everyone is so nice and everything works. And the line up... So much better than in Finnish festivals.
In Finland beer was only allowed in certain areas and you have to wait in line to get there (could take even 30 minutes). After that you have to wait in another line to get you beer from the bar. And for 8 euros you get a cheap beer in a can and it's not even cold...
Eens op setlist geen zien wat Tool tegenwoordig zoal speelt live. Zowat alleen van de laatste 2 platen. Geen Sober, Stinkfist of Schism....
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: jimmywe
Me and my friends love the atmosphere at Graspop. Everyone is so nice and everything works. And the line up... So much better than in Finnish festivals.
In Finland beer was only allowed in certain areas and you have to wait in line to get there (could take even 30 minutes). After that you have to wait in another line to get you beer from the bar. And for 8 euros you get a cheap beer in a can and it's not even cold...
The beer part I understand, it's so expensive (although Norway is way worse). And it's probably not even class IV beer at festivals. The only way surviving nights out in Finland is drinking at home before going out 😄
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: duck en Special Monkey
Tool geeft zelf aan dat de verkoop voor alle shows op 17 november begint. Wat zou dat voor de tickets op Graspop betekenen?
Me and my friends love the atmosphere at Graspop. Everyone is so nice and everything works. And the line up... So much better than in Finnish festivals.
In Finland beer was only allowed in certain areas and you have to wait in line to get there (could take even 30 minutes). After that you have to wait in another line to get you beer from the bar. And for 8 euros you get a cheap beer in a can and it's not even cold...
Zelf ooit naar Balatonfest geweest een daar stonden ze letterlijk van die koelkasten onder vol te laden met bier, terwijl er boven werden gepakt voor consumptie. Resultaat: het hele weekend lauwe pils. Wij zijn verwend als je ziet hoe goed alles geregeld is bij NL + BE festivals. Dus denk daar maar aan als we weer wat te zeiken hebben 😉
Zelf ooit naar Balatonfest geweest een daar stonden ze letterlijk van die koelkasten onder vol te laden met bier, terwijl er boven werden gepakt voor consumptie. Resultaat: het hele weekend lauwe pils. Wij zijn verwend als je ziet hoe goed alles geregeld is bij NL + BE festivals. Dus denk daar maar aan als we weer wat te zeiken hebben 😉
Exactly this! Expensive and lukewarm in Finland. And the waiting is horrendous.
I couldn't believe it when I was first time at Graspop. Took literally three seconds to buy a cold beer and say thank you. And it was cold.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: MetalLimbo en Jimmeh07
Het is onmogelijk om iedereen happy te maken met elke boeking.
Je wordt gelukkig niet verplicht om ook daadwerkelijk te blijven kijken, als het echt niet je ding is.

Heb na de boeking van TOOL het volste vertrouwen dat de organisatie ons weer weet te verrassen met een ijzersterke line-up. Net als afgelopen editie! Kijk alvast enorm uit naar de aankondigingen in aanloop naar de start van de kaartverkoop.

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