14-10 Here’s The Thing, Tilburg
19 t/m 21-10 Left of the Dial, Rotterdam
30-11 CIVIC, Rotown
2-12 Indian Askin, Rotown
3-12 HINK, Den Haag
9-12 Pip Blom, Rotown
21-12 Personal Trainer, Tivoli Vredenburg
23-2 Sprints, Rotown
+ 2-3 Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Luxor Keulen
8-3 IDLES, Afas
9-3 IDLES, Lotto Arena
+ 10-3 Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Paradiso
12-4 The Clockworks, Rotown
22-5 KGLW, Stadtpark
6 t/m 8-9 Misty Fields, Asten
19 t/m 21-10 Left of the Dial, Rotterdam
30-11 CIVIC, Rotown
2-12 Indian Askin, Rotown
3-12 HINK, Den Haag
9-12 Pip Blom, Rotown
21-12 Personal Trainer, Tivoli Vredenburg
23-2 Sprints, Rotown
+ 2-3 Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Luxor Keulen
8-3 IDLES, Afas
9-3 IDLES, Lotto Arena
+ 10-3 Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Paradiso
12-4 The Clockworks, Rotown
22-5 KGLW, Stadtpark
6 t/m 8-9 Misty Fields, Asten