Guns N' Roses


19 nov 2012
Guns N' Roses
14 uur geleden
another in case you missed it!!!

The 2014 dates announced for Mexico and South America
Sunday, March 16 Mexico City, Mexico
Thursday, March 20 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Saturday, March 22 Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Tuesday, March 25 Brasilia, Brazil
Friday, March 28 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sunday, March 30 Curitiba, Brazil
Tuesday, April 1 Florianapolis, Brazil
Thursday, April 3 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Sunday, April 6 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wednesday, April 9 Asuncion, Paraguay

Tja, ik heb the best of Guns N' Roses en dat is een lekkere cd maar volgens mij is GNR zonder Slash toch eigenlijk niet meer GNR. Uiteraard is Axl Rose erg belangrijk voor het geluid maar Slash lijkt me toch een te groot gemis. Mensen die ze weleens gezien hebben met en zonder Slash hier? Is het aan te raden om ze te gaan zien of is het vergane glorie?
Guns N' Roses is gewoon Axl Rose en band, hij is de enige van de originele bezetting die er nog speelt. Hoor dat het nog steeds wel de moeite waard is om ze live te zien maar het is natuurlijk bij lange na niet zo legendarisch als ze ooit waren. Het is ook de enige band die ik op wikipedia heb gezien met een losse pagina voor alle bandmembers xD
Ik heb ze in de GelreDome gezien, volgens mij in 2010. Als je even vergeet dat ze meer dan een uur te laat begonnen (wat standaard schijnt te zijn), was het een heel erg gaaf optreden. Natuurlijk mis je de originele bezetting, maar ze hebben er een stuk of 6 nieuwe leden voor in de plaats. Dizzy Reed (keyboards) doet trouwens wel nog mee, en die speelde toch ook al mee op de Use Your Illusion-albums.
Ze speelden wel een aantal nummers van Chinese Democracy, maar toch vooral de oude hits en het was eigenlijk gewoon heel erg gaaf.
Het was ook mijn eerste echte concert trouwens :).
+Rock on the Range, Columbus Ohio 16 mei.
Zeer aardige poster overigens!
Nieuwe data toegevoegd, allen VS.
Apr 12, 2014 Estadio Hernando Siles La Paz, BO
May 13, 2014 Sands Bethlehem Event Center Bethlehem, PAUS
May 16, 2014 Columbus Crew Stadium Columbus, OHUS
May 21, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
May 24, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
May 25, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
May 28, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
May 30, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
May 31, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
Jun 4, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
Jun 6, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS
Jun 7, 2014 The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NVUS

Of ze nog naar Europa komen is nog de vraag? Misschien pas najaar?
Guns N' Roses is zeker nog de moeite live. Ik heb ze in 2010 gezien in het Sportpaleis en in 2012 op Graspop. Zalig live en ze speelden telkens 3 uur. En die reputatie van te laat beginnen... Ook met een korrel zout te nemen. Op Graspop stonden ze voor 2 uur en half gepland, maar omdat ze drie uur wilden spelen, zijn ze een halfuur vroeger dan gepland begonnen. Het hele publiek keek verbaasd op :) Dit toont toch zeker hun professionaliteit aan. Als ze terug naar België komen, ben ik er zeker weer bij, echt waar voor je geld.
LRI: Does Guns N’ Roses have any recording or touring plans in 2015?
DJ: We are planning on doing quite a bit of touring this coming year. The focus is getting in a studio and putting together what we all feel is the best Guns N’ Roses record. Lack of material is not an issue. We have tons of stuff. Axl has two full albums that he has recorded..
Ahhh Axl Rose is vandaag jarig en Slash wenst hem een fijne verjaardag.
Komt het dan toch ooit goed, haha :D

Happy Birthday Axl!
2 gokje voor 2016, Soundwave Australië en Download festival UK ? ? ?

1 komt uit een interview, de andere is een hint van Download zelf...

In an interview with a St. Louis radio station last week, GNR’s current guitarist Richard Fortus declared that 2016 will be “a big year” for the band. He stopped short of providing any specifics — however, when pressed whether or not he is the only guitarist in the band at the moment, he insinuated that not to be the case. As previously reported, the band’s other two guitarists, DJ Ashba and Bumblefoot, announced their departure in July.

Meanwhile, an Australian promoter named James Young has told TripleM radio that Guns N’ Roses is rumored to be headlining the country’s Soundwave Music Festival next year. “I heard the most amazing rumor this week, from a very well-informed heavy hitter in the Australian music industry,” Young explained. “So what mega band could it be? I heard on Wednesday night that it would be Steven Adler, Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan, Slash and Axl Rose – the reformation of the original 1987 Appetite For Destruction Guns N’ Roses!”
reünie G'n'R dus niet zo zeker als gedacht ondanks geruchten???
Tenminste volgens dit interview / artikel van blabbermouth gisteren avond.
Ex-GUNS N' ROSES Drummer STEVEN ADLER: SLASH And DUFF MCKAGAN Don't Believe I Am 21 Months Sober

Ex-GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler says that he has not been approached by any of his former bandmates about a possible reunion of the classic GN'R lineup and blames the lack of communication in part on the fact that Slash and Duff McKagan don't believe that he is sober.

Slash recently revealed that he and GUNS N' ROSES' lead singer, Axl Rose, had repaired their estranged relationship after nearly 20 years, immediately leading to a storm of speculation about a possible reunion of the classic GUNS lineup.

Asked point blank if he knows anything about a rumored reunion of GUNS N' ROSES' "Appetite For Destruction" lineup, Adler told Eddie Trunk during a September 28 appearance on Trunk's SiriusXM satellite radio show, "Eddie Trunk Live": "Nothing. Even if it was happening, I don't think Slash would tell me, because he knows how excited I get and that I would probably say something before I should. I would be the last one to know."

Adler, who was famously fired from GUNS N' ROSES in 1990 for his rampant drug use, added that part of the reason he hasn't heard anything about a rumored GUNS reunion is the fact that he hasn't been able to convince his former bandmates that he is clean from alcohol and drugs.

"I love those guys, and I always will, but Duff, he doesn't think I'm cool," Adler said. "He doesn't think I'm a cool guy. This is what people tell me. And he doesn't think I'm cool and that I'm not that great of a drummer. And Slash, he doesn't believe that I have 21 months and 21 days sober. He doesn't believe it. I don't know why, but they forget that at one time in their life, they were doing drugs and drinking and they were fucking up. They forget that they were like that too. Duff has got 20 years sober or more, Slash has got, like, 11 or 12 years sober, and I've got a year, nine months and 21 days. So everybody gets it at a different time. I'm just thankful I got it."

He went on to say: "They don't think I'm cool and they don't think I can play drums that great and they don't think I'm sober. Duff, he has a right, in a way, but, like I said, he forgets where he came from too. But we did do some shows [together] in Japan [in 2013], and Duff invited [Steven's current band] ADLER to come down, and I was still drinking then. And the second I got to the airport, I made a beeline for the bar, and I just started doing shots of Jäger. And the whole trip I was sick and I was just a mess. And, you know, Duff's sober and he's very judgmental and forgetful of where he came from. And he was just so bummed and pissed at me. I mean, the playing part, the shows when we actually were performing, that went all right, but everything else… So I kind of ruined it and gave him the excuse to be able to say, 'Well, he's not cool and he's not that good.' But I stopped doing that. They stopped doing that. Just because they stopped doing it before I did doesn't make them any better. We're all people who have addiction problems. I was just able to get a grip on it later on in life than they did."

Asked what the turning point was for him to get his life together and stop going into detoxes and rehabs, Adler said: "I learned from going to meetings with the right people and talking to the right people at AA meetings and stuff, and I got a great sponsor, and we worked it out. My problem was I had resentment towards those guys [GUNS N' ROSES bandmates], and towards other things, and I had abandonment issues. So once I was able to forgive those guys and realize it wasn't them to blame, but me to blame — I did what I did to me; they didn't do what they did to me; I did it to myself — and once I started hating them, I was able to… and have some time, 'cause it takes time for the brain to heal after drinking so much. Alcohol fucks your brain up and it takes a good nine, ten, eleven [months or] a year until you actually start thinking clear again. Now I'm just able to live my life and be happy with who I am."

According to Adler, he is still in contact with Slash, but he hasn't been able to convince the guitarist to meet with him in person for quite some time. "I'm always trying to get [Slash] to go to Crossroads, this vegan restaurant," Adler said. "I [tell him], 'Get your girlfriend and come meet me and my wife over… And John 5 [ROB ZOMBIE]. I say, meet me and John 5 and Rita over at Crossroads for brunch or dinner.' [And he writes back] 'Ehh, I can't. I'm working.' I'm going, 'You've gotta be home way more than that. Just come meet with me. Let's go have a cup of coffee.'

Asked if it's true that he recently said that he would kill himself if the classic GUNS N' ROSES lineup reunited without him, Adler said: "I would probably feel like I would wanna kill myself, but I wouldn't. I would probably just kill them. [Laughs] 'Cause if I'm not doing it, they're not doing it. If I'm going down, they're going down."

Adler also expressed frustration over the fact that so many world-famous musicians, including GUNS N' ROSES, can't seem to overcome personal differences and reunite for the sake of their fans.

"I don't understand what the problem is," he said. "We're just rock bands. We all started practicing in our garage or our bedroom. We met each other, and we started playing in our garage, then we worked on songs. This is what we wanted to do. Our dreams came true.

"I don't know why it's so difficult for people that have been successful and still can moderately successful," he continued. "Of course, nobody's gonna be like they were in the '80s; that was our generation. It's a new generation now of music and people and kids. But there are bands like BON JOVI and METALLICA and the GUNS N' ROSES reunion; [if that were to happen] that would be huge."

Adler added: "I don't get it. We just play music. We're living our dream. Why does everybody have to be such a dick and so fucking crazy? It's, like, hey, we play music. When we're together, we play it really great. Let's just do it. What's the problem?"

Despite the fact that he hasn't heard anything about a possible reunion of the classic GUNS lineup, Adler remains optimistic about his future. "Even if the GN'R thing doesn't happen, I'm still gonna do what I'm doing every day," he said. "I'm gonna keep living, being happy, practicing, playing with my band. I wasted enough time in a blackout, in a haze. I'm living now."
According to a new report from Blitz, the massively-anticipated and massively-rumored reunion of the classic Guns N' Roses lineup will happen next year, with the first show set to take place in Portugal in early 2016.

The source points out that one of the country's "top promoters" went to London to negotiate a $1.5 million deal for a two-hour live concert by the band.

When it comes to notable festivals that might host the show, Rock in Rio Lisboa will take place in May for five days between May 20 and 28, while the Super Bock Super Rock festival has been scheduled between July 14 and 16.

Additionally, the source noted that there are ongoing negotiations for various classic GN'R dates, which matches the previous report about the group gearing up to embark on a $100 million comeback tour. Stay tuned for updates.
Scott Weiland Says Guns N’ Roses Will Reunite

I conducted an in-depth interview with former Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver frontman Scott Weiland last night for Alternative Nation that will be posted in its entirety on Monday, and during the interview Weiland said he thinks the original Guns N’ Roses lineup will reunite. When I asked him about his feud with Axl Rose in 2006 amidst rumors at the time of a Guns N’ Roses reunion, Weiland had some interesting comments for Alternative Nation.

“I remember a little bit about it. There was a little going back and forth between the two of us at the time, but I think that Guns N’ Roses are getting back together.”

When I pressed Weiland on how he knew, he responded: “I just heard that.”

“We’ve heard rumors,” Weiland’s Wildabouts bassist Tommy Black added.

Weiland praised Slash’s starpower. “I think Slash is actually a bigger star right now than Axl.” Tommy Black called Slash a ‘brand.’ Weiland said, “He’s the hat.”

I also asked Weiland why he claimed Velvet Revolver were reuniting for a new album and tour in 2012, and he blamed Slash’s ex-wife for the reunion not happening following the band’s one off benefit show for John O’Brien.

“Because we did a show together, and there was talk about us getting back together, but Perla, Slash’s ex-wife, kind of put the kibosh on everything.”

“As far as getting back together, I thought at the time we would get back together and do a tour.”

Check Alternative Nation on Monday for Weiland’s most candid interview in years where he discusses what really led to tension in STP during the band’s reunion, Chester Bennington’s status with STP, collaborating with ex-Smashing Pumpkins guitarist James Iha, Nirvana, Sub Pop, STP’s early days as Swing and Mighty Joe Young, his inspiration behind Blaster, and much more.

Weiland recently released an app featuring a new song called “Back to the City.” He is currently touring the United States with his band the Wildabouts.
Guns N’ Roses Reunion Tour To Be Announced Shortly
After months of endless rumors, cryptic tweets, and nipple pasties, Dish Nation is reporting that the reunion of the original lineup of Guns N’ Roses will be announced in a matter of days. The band will supposedly announce a festival circuit before launching an ambitious world tour.
According to Dish’s source, “Promoters are quietly working away to land opportunities. Details of the reunion are expected to leak out in the next few days. Everyone is expecting huge demand for tickets, but the boys are very humble and are not sure what to expect.”
The classic Appetite for Destruction-era lineup of Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler, and Izzy Stradlin, let alone just Slash and Axl performing together once again, will surely smash records and potentially become the biggest rock music tour of all time, bar a Led Zeppelin tour with Jason Bonham on drums. While the sale of tickets coinciding with the tour announcement seems unlikely, be prepared for the exact moment the tickets go on sale, as surely vendors will crash and sell out within minutes.
Former Velvet Revolver and Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland and bassist Tommy Black told Alternative Nation last weekend that Slash and Axl reconciled and would go on tour: “We’ve heard rumors.”
Dat die overschatte rotgroep de festival affiches volgend jaar maar niet bevuilt... Guns 'n Roses is anno 2015 zowat de slechtste liveband die er rondloopt...
Eerst zien, dan geloven, we geloofden in het begin van het seizoen ook in dit soort verhalen, wat dus 100% NIET is uitgekomen:

2 gokje voor 2016, Soundwave Australië en Download festival UK ? ? ?

1 komt uit een interview, de andere is een hint van Download zelf…

In an interview with a St. Louis radio station last week, GNR’s current guitarist Richard Fortus declared that 2016 will be “a big year” for the band. He stopped short of providing any specifics — however, when pressed whether or not he is the only guitarist in the band at the moment, he insinuated that not to be the case. As previously reported, the band’s other two guitarists, DJ Ashba and Bumblefoot, announced their departure in July.

Meanwhile, an Australian promoter named James Young has told TripleM radio that Guns N’ Roses is rumored to be headlining the country’s Soundwave Music Festival next year. “I heard the most amazing rumor this week, from a very well-informed heavy hitter in the Australian music industry,” Young explained. “So what mega band could it be? I heard on Wednesday night that it would be Steven Adler, Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan, Slash and Axl Rose – the reformation of the original 1987 Appetite For Destruction Guns N’ Roses!”

Natuurlijk zijn er positieve geluiden, tekenen, geruchten. Maar het is en blijft G 'n R, het klopt pas als ze op het podium staan, zelfs een aankondiging is nog geen volledige zekerheid met de reputatie van de band (/ met name Axl).
Legendary ​rock giants ​Guns N’ Roses​ are ​​”days away” from announcing ​a​ world​ reunion tour ​next year, Dish Nation is exclusively reporting.
Guitarist Slash ​has confirmed that he ​and lead singer​ Axl Rose have​​ ​reconciled after ​almost a decade of ​arguments and now Los Angeles music insiders close to the band say they ​have tentatively​ agreed to perform together again in 2016.
It’s expected that they will headline several festivals across Europe and the United States before heading out on a staggered world tour that will coincide with their 30th anniversary​.
With it being heavily rumored that a Guns N' Roses reunion is on the cards, questions have abounded as to who exactly will be performing with the band.

Many outlets have been reporting that a "classic" line-up reunion is in the works, suggesting that the Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Izzy Stradlin and Steven Adler iteration of the band was the one that we'd be seeing. However, if a new report from Melodic Rock is to be believed, the band's new line-up will feature classic GN'R members Axl, Slash and Duff alongside Frank Ferrer and Richard Fortus from Axl's current Guns N' Roses line-up. Long time keyboardist Dizzy Reed will also remain in the band.

So less a classic line-up reunion, and more of a classic GN'R / new GN'R hybrid. While this is only a rumor at this stage, we can kind of believe it. Izzy Stradlin has always remained the most aloof of the original Guns line-up, and Steven Adler has previously stated that neither Duff or Slash want anything to do with him. Frank Ferrer and Richard Fortus didn't leave GN'R along with Bumblefoot and DJ Ashba last year, and the latter promised big things from the band in 2016 a while ago.

Melodic Rock is also reporting that the band will perform a string of high-profile European festivals next summer, and that Coachella in the US might also be on the cards. A 2017 stadium tour to celebrate the 30th anniversary of "Appetite for Destruction" is reportedly also on the horizon.

In other GN'R news, Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx is the latest high profile name to confirm that the group are getting back together. Asked on Twitter if he thought the band should do a reunion, he responded: "They are. Everybody knows they're coming back."
With it being heavily rumored that a Guns N’ Roses reunion is on the cards, questions have abounded as to who exactly will be performing with the band.

Many outlets have been reporting that a “classic” line-up reunion is in the works, suggesting that the Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Izzy Stradlin and Steven Adler iteration of the band was the one that we’d be seeing. However, if a new report from Melodic Rock is to be believed, the band’s new line-up will feature classic GN’R members Axl, Slash and Duff alongside Frank Ferrer and Richard Fortus from Axl’s current Guns N’ Roses line-up. Long time keyboardist Dizzy Reed will also remain in the band.

So less a classic line-up reunion, and more of a classic GN’R / new GN’R hybrid. While this is only a rumor at this stage, we can kind of believe it. Izzy Stradlin has always remained the most aloof of the original Guns line-up, and Steven Adler has previously stated that neither Duff or Slash want anything to do with him. Frank Ferrer and Richard Fortus didn’t leave GN’R along with Bumblefoot and DJ Ashba last year, and the latter promised big things from the band in 2016 a while ago.

Melodic Rock is also reporting that the band will perform a string of high-profile European festivals next summer, and that Coachella in the US might also be on the cards. A 2017 stadium tour to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “Appetite for Destruction” is reportedly also on the horizon.

In other GN’R news, Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx is the latest high profile name to confirm that the group are getting back together. Asked on Twitter if he thought the band should do a reunion, he responded: “They are. Everybody knows they’re coming back.”

Dit is dus wat ik geloof. Rose, Slash, McKagan, Reed en Fortus. Van de drummer had ik geen idee, maar het wordt Ferrer dus. Dan heb je 2 namen van de 'recentste' line-up, drie oorspronkelijke en Dizzy Reed die toch al non-stop meedraait van 1990. Richard Fortus gaf eerder al aan bij GnR te blijven. Dat DJ Ashba en Bumblefoot recent de band verlaten hebben, zegt genoeg.

Het zit er nu echt aan te komen, wat een reünie!
GUNS N ROSES have been the subject of continued reunion speculation for several years now, but the whispers become a roar earlier this year when guitarist Slash publicly stated that he and frontman Axl Rose had patched up differences that kept them estranged for nearly two decades.

So what is the future of what used to be rock n roll’s “most dangerous band”?

It is no great secret that a reunion is coming. The pitch has been with concert promoters for several months now, with confirmation coming from a couple of those agents that the band is looking to play select festivals in 2016 before moving onto a larger stadium tour in 2017 – to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic Appetite For Destruction album.

But what hasn’t been discussed however, is who exactly will be involved in the reunion. The rumors have all touted a reunion of the “classic” or “original” lineup.

But it’s not what people might have expected.

From everything I have heard from multiple trusted sources, the new Guns N Roses lineup will consist of:


Richard Fortus
Frank Ferrer
Dizzy Reed

Plans are still evolving, but it appears the band is pitching a few high-profile European rock festivals and Coachella in the USA has been mentioned too.

All of this is rumoured until confirmed, but from what I’ve heard, Steven Adler, Izzy Stradlin and Matt Sorum are not going to be involved.

Stay tuned…

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